WE HAVE EXPERIENCED engineers, steam turbine and valve specialists, rotating equipment
repair technicians, machinists, designers, and fabricators.
We can work anywhere, On-site, or In our 21,000 square feet facility, in Charlotte, NC.
CONTACT US . We can meet your needs


"We were told Powerhouse Mechanical had rebuilt and retrofitted over 20 Bullard vtl and that they were proven to be excellent performers with minimal downtime for other customers and industries. Here at Phillips 66, we saw the potential of this machine and took a step of faith with Powerhouse Mechanical to provide us with the best machine for the money. Our 86” Bullard was put into a trial by fire situation here at the Sweeney refinery and performed with the excellence we anticipated. We were extremely pleased with the product that was provided by the CPS team, so much that we had a second 36” Bullard procured. We look forward to the performance and years of service that they will provide."
- Johnny
Reliability/Design Specialist
"Over the last 10 years, Powerhouse Mechanical has rebuilt and retrofitted over 20 Bullard vtl of various sizes and configurations. Each of these machines have been excellent performers with minimal downtime. They have produced high quality parts in a tough environment of welded seams and interrupted cuts. New machines brought in to keep pace with these Bullards have not held up as had been anticipated... The quality of the work from Powerhouse Mechanical and their utilization of readily available components has resulted in a machine that is easy to maintain."
- Dave
Maintenance Manager